I'm a professional recorder teacher with 20 years of experience teaching at music schools and privately. I also teach Alexander Technique.

First of all I think you can start at any age, everybody can learn and improve! The reason I love teaching are the moments when a students "gets it" and learns to do something they couldn't do previously. I like to break down playing technique into separate bits - breathing, fingers, articulation, and then to put them back together. And to do the same with a piece of music - what is the structure, where is it going, what does it want to say? Because I also teach the Alexander technique I pay extra attention to how free/tense a student is and give tips about that.

Experience & Education

  • Helsingin konservatorio /Conservatory of Helsinki 1991 – 1996
    Musiikkioppilaitoksen opettajan tutkinto/Music school teacher diploma
  • Conservatory of Utrecht/Utrechts Conservatorium 1996 – 2000
    Docerende Musicus
  • Musiikkikoulu Kantele, Helsinki 1991 – 1996
    Recorder teacher
  • Various music schools in the Netherlands 2000 – 2006
    Recorder teacher
  • My own teaching studio in Utrecht, the Netherlands 1998 – Present
    Recorder teacher
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Mira July

Je merkt meteen dat Pauliina enorm veel ervaring heeft en erg toegewijd is. Ze heeft enorm veel geduld en zoekt steeds mee naar een oplossing. Ik volg nu al enkele jaren online lessen en geniet er nog steeds van!

Estelle April

I'm greatly enjoying my lessons with Pauliina. We're proceeding at a pace that works for me (not too slow, not too fast), and she provides useful tips for accuracy and musicality. Very happy to continue lessons with her!

Chris Waigl June

I've been Pauliina's student for the last 1.5 years, and it's been excellent. Her style is undogmatic, gentle, and to the point. I haven't had a single bad lesson, no matter whether I played well or not. She's experienced and always has good suggestions for the next thing to work on in technique, musical style or repertoire. Also, I'm most of the time 10 time zones away from Pauliina, and she's always been flexible enough to find a way to fit me into her teaching day in a way that works for both of us. Highly recommended.

Simone van den Berg March

In her lessons Pauliina focuses on your wishes and gives you simple and effective tools to enhance your skills. With her relaxed way of teaching she helps you to tackle technical challenges without stress so that you gain confidence and can enjoy your practice!

Tina van der Linde March

For me, Pauliina is a very good teacher. Originally, I didn't want to take on recorder lessons at all: I just had some practical questions on an old tenor recorder. But Pauliina was so helpful and inspiring that before I knew it I found myself taking regular lessons. Pauliina in a few words: very modest, full of humor, good teaching qualities in a no-nonsense and accessible way. For me as an "adult" student it is very important the Pauliina understands that there are more, sometimes more pressing, things that I have to do. There is no pressure at all. Pauliina comes up with good repertoire-suggestions: one the one hand these suggestions are in line with the kind of music that I like to play, on the other hand they sometimes challenge and stretch my preferences. It's easy to go to a private class, and I always leave in a very good mood.

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