

Learn hands-on advice on technique, sound and musical interpretation - exemplified through masterclasses of some of the most important and beautiful works.

No 1: Tomasi Concerto

Trumpet Masterclasses from Reinhold Friedrich
Length: 33 minutes

In Masterclass no 1 Reinhold Friedrich teaches Tomasi´s Concerto.
One of the most tricky pieces for trumpet taught and explained by one of todays greatest trumpet players.
Learn from an amazing musician and trumpet player, improve your own playing, copy the movies to your iPad or iPhone to learn and get inspired from wherever you are.

Since his first prize in the international ARD competition in Munich in 1986 he has been present on the important stages of the national and international music scene. From 1983 to 1999 he has been Soloist at the Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt and performed under conductors like Eliahu Inbal, Dimitri Kitayenko, Erich Leinsdorff, Christoph Eschenbach and Hugh Wolff. Since 1989 Reinhold Friedrich is Professor at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe.


01 Chapter 1: Tomasi Concerto


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